Magic Connections 5

Magic Connections Networking: March Early

Magic Connections Networking
Let’s vibe and rise together...

March 19th, 11am-12pm PT / 2-3pm ET
[1st & 3rd Tuesdays Monthly]

Magic Connections Networking is for sensitive visionaries, ambitious empaths, and loving rebels who are feeling called to share their magic in a bigger way on the world stage. 

"Magic connections... The name itself defines my first of many more experiences I will have in this group. This is a networking group, but unlike any others I've experienced. This goes far deeper. The openness & welcoming nature of all participants from this particular event, has reminded me what it feels like to make GENUINE connections. I found some of the brightest souls here. If you value high vibrational energy, mindfulness & meaningful connections, or you just need to brighten your day, Magic Connections is the place for you-"
 - Lorne Saubel

Leading doesn’t have to feel lonely. 

Come create relationships that nourish your passion, your mission, your business and YOU.